Friday 13 October 2017


Listing description

Sambucus nigra is a species complex of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae native to most of Europe and North America.[1] Common names include elderelderberryblack elderEuropean elderEuropean elderberry and European black elderberry.
Detailed description
 It grows in a variety of conditions including both wet and dry fertile soils, primarily in sunny locations.

Culinary uses

The dark blue/purple berries can be eaten when fully ripe but are mildly poisonous in their unripe state.[12] All green parts of the plant are poisonous, containing cyanogenic glycosides (Vedel & Lange 1960). The berries are edible after cooking and can be used to make jam, jelly, chutney and Pontack sauce.
The flowerheads are commonly used in infusions, giving a very common refreshing drink in Northern Europe and the Balkans. Commercially these are sold as Elderflower cordial.[13] In Europe, the flowers are made into a syrup or cordial (in Romanian: Socată, in Swedish: fläder(blom)saft), which is diluted with water before drinking. The popularity of this traditional drink has recently encouraged some commercial soft drink producers to introduce elderflower-flavoured drinks (Fanta Shokata, Freaky Fläder). The flowers can also be dipped into a light batter and then fried to make elderflower fritters. In Scandinavia and Germany, soup made from the elder berry (e.g. the German Fliederbeersuppe) is a traditional meal.
Both flowers and berries can be made into elderberry wine, and in Hungary an elderberry brandy is made that requires 50 kg of fruit to produce 1 litre of brandy. In south-western Sweden, it is traditional to make a snaps liqueur flavoured with elderflower. Elderflowers are also used in liqueurs such as St. Germain, and in a mildly alcoholic sparkling elderflower 'champagne'.
In Beerse, Belgium, a variety of Jenever called Beers Vlierke is made from the berries.

Traditional medicine

This plant is used as a medicinal plant by native peoples and herbalists.[14][15] Stembark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and root extracts are used in bronchitis, cough, upper respiratory cold infections, and fever.[medical citation needed]
Sambucus nigra fruits and flowers have been used in traditional Austrian medicine - internally (fruits as tea, jelly, juice, or syrup; flowers as tea or syrup) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and skin, and for viral infections, fevercolds, and influenza.[16] The first book about the medicinal properties of the plant was written by German physician Martin Blochwich in the 1620s.
The dried corollas and stamens of Sambucus nigra L. (Sambucus, British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1949) have been used as a vehicle for eye and skin lotions, while the fruits are to promote urination.



For more information:

mobile: +2348039721941

contact person: emeaba uche


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